Harvard Local : The genesis of Boxborough Local is the founding group in Harvard. About a year old, Harvard Local offers a film series, regular meetings, and a variety of ongoing programs.
Groton Local : Groton Local began as a book group and has recently launched into action.
Action Climate Action Team : Ongoing activities in Acton include a program to earn Acton a solar power installation through the New England Wind Fund.

Regional Organizations

MCAN's List of Allied & Community Climate Action Organizations : Mass. Climate Action Network maintains a list of Massachusetts local and community climate action groups, organized by town. Go to this list to find a group in or near your town.
Addison County Relocalization Network (ACoRN) in Middlebury, VT : "ACORN is a cooperative response to an energy-constrained future. Our mission is to revitalize our local economy to help our communities provide sustainable sources of food, water, energy, employment and other essential resources, and to promote conservation and a healthy environment."
Vermont Peak Oil Network : Helping Vermonters prepare for a sustainable and satisfying post-fossil fuel way of life.
MICAS : Monadnock Institute for Community Advancement and Sustainability.
Boston Area Alternative Energy Meetup : Alternative energy systems, renewables, sustainability, efficiency. Practical applications, municipal projects, home installations, commercial systems.
Mass. hitchhikers plan to get on the road : "...as Frances Crowe and a group of like-minded residents predict a future threatened by major oil shortages, they're reviving and modifying a one-time popular mode of transportation with the hope it might help prevent an energy crisis: hitchhiking."